Headache is, to some extent, a normal phenomenon in our lives. Undoubtedly, it is a well-known and annoying enemy, that often passes by itself without any serious complications.
However, there are people who, despite feeling relieved after taking painkillers or having a good rest, have a headache again.
This happens quite often. Now we mean migraine, a chronic headache that significantly affects the quality of life.
Since information is the best weapon, later in this article we will present three common facts that you need to know.
What factors should be considered when determining the severity of the problem?
Harvard University conducted a very interesting study on headaches. First of all, to dispel your fears and anxieties, suffice it to say that in almost 95% of cases of this unpleasant condition, it is not a symptom of any serious illness.
1. When a headache becomes an alarm signal?
The above-mentioned study from Harvard University identified some characteristics that you should always pay attention to if you or someone close to you, suffers from a headache:
- the nature of the headache suddenly changes. For example, if you have experienced sharp pain that has passed after taking analgesics, and now the medication does not help, be sure to see a doctor;
- it is also worth going for an examination by a specialist if a person has an incredibly severe attack of pain;
- if the pain worsens when you cough or move, it is also abnormal;
- in addition, you should be alert when a headache prevents you from doing your daily chores;
- some people become aggressive or irritable during headaches. This is also a deviation from the norm;
- be very careful if the pain is accompanied by fever and numbness of the neck;
- in addition, if you have vision problems, inflamed eyes, impaired speech, weakness, and dizziness, you should go to the hospital immediately or call an ambulance;
- doctors also warn that sudden night pain should be a cause for concern.
2. Headache and stroke
When a person has a severe headache, he is undoubtedly most afraid of stroke. Such attacks can occur both at a young age and in old age. That’s why you should always remember the six signs of a stroke:
- A person suddenly loses strength on one side of the body: arm, leg, or half of the face.
- There is an incredibly severe headache.
- Is also a tingling sensation in the face, arm, or leg (on one side of the body).
- Loss of vision in one eye.
- There are problems with speech or a person can not speak properly.
- This condition is often preceded by a feeling of dizziness, instability, or loss of balance.
3. Cluster headache
This type of headache is the most painful.
Very often in this situation, people are overwhelmed by fear, and they begin to think that something terrible is happening. However, this condition is not as serious as it seems.
The sensations of pain are very strong, a person can even be paralyzed for several hours, but as we have said, cluster pain is not a symptom of any disease.
- Cluster headache occurs in 1% of the population, mostly in men.
- This is a severe and debilitating pain that can last from 15 to 90 minutes and occur several times during the day.
- Cluster headaches are associated with minor hypothalamic problems and circadian rhythms.
- Sometimes a person’s lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, or heavy workload can lead to this problem.
As a result, we want to note that in most cases, headache is not a serious threat and occurs due to fatigue, tension, or even hormonal changes.
However, when it becomes your daily companion or is associated with the symptoms we discussed in this article, be sure to see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.
Headaches can be a symptom of a disease that you should be aware of to start appropriate treatment.
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