1. Causes of insomnia in pregnancy
Pregnant sleep is very important because it provides strength regeneration, improves mood and promotes proper development of the child. In the first trimester, most future mothers do not have sleep problems. The increase in pregnancy hormones, estrogen and progesterone makes the need for a nap appear early in the afternoon, and in the morning it is difficult to get out of bed. A peaceful sleep can only be interrupted by frequent nighttime visits to the toilet and stress resulting from the new situation. More serious sleep disorders usually occur in the later months of pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. What disturbs sleep during pregnancy?
- Growing along with the development of pregnancy, the stomach makes it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep.
- The cramps of the calves interrupt the night rest – suitable preparations with magnesium and B group vitamins are helpful for frequent and painful cramps in the legs of pregnancy.
- The pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder and the need for frequent urination – it is worth avoiding drinking a lot of fluids before going to bed.
- Painful movements of a child – they intensify especially when a woman goes to bed at night; they soften when the woman is active because her movements are rocking the child and calming them down. If the child’s movements make it impossible to fall asleep, it is worth massaging the belly or exposing it to light.
- Short breathing caused by the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm – it may be helpful to lie down in the position on the left side and put under the head an additional cushion.
- Fear of an approaching delivery – fear should be unloaded in conversation with a doctor or a close person. The words of encouragement will help increase self-confidence and reduce stress.
2. Ways for insomnia during pregnancy
- Preparation of the bedroom. Ventilate the room where you sleep. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Dry and stifling air makes it difficult to fall asleep and makes you sleep in shallow and restless sleep. If you are disturbed by lamps and cars coming from behind the window, cover the windows with blinds or thick curtains.
- Getting stressed at bedtime. Treat the bedroom and bed as a place for sleeping only. Reading, work, important discussions, let alone quarrels, put aside for a different moment than the time before going to sleep. A bedroom is an area of only night rest.
- Comfortable position to sleep. If the growing belly makes it difficult to get comfortable on the bed, try to lie on the left side and put a pillow between your knees. This position improves blood circulation and kidney function.
- Drinking for sleep. For good sleep, drink a glass of milk in the evening or make yourself a delicate lemon balm tea. Avoid stimulants: coffee and tea.
- Relax during the day. Go with a partner for a short walk, soak in the evening, take a warm bath and ask for a relaxing back and neck massage before going to bed.
- Avoiding position changes. Turning from side to side will not help you fall asleep, but will only increase stress. If after a quarter of an hour you are still awake, stand up and start to look after something, for example, read or listen to quiet music. Get back to bed when you feel drowsy.
3. Sufficient amount of sleep during pregnancy
The length of sleep during pregnancy depends on individual needs. One woman needs six hours of sleep, the other is sleepy, and after ten hours of sleep, she feels tired. You need to listen to the body’s needs and if you want to sleep, just lie down and rest. Problems with sleeping during pregnancy, difficulty falling asleep, repeated waking up during the night can become a source of chronic stress. As you know, stress adversely affects the hormonal balance and overall health. Therefore, insomnia should not be underestimated and if the problem arises, the pregnancy gynecologist should be reported.
Sometimes cardiac problems or depression may be the cause of sleep problems. Remember that lack of sleep reduces concentration and increases the risk of an accident – trip, collapse, falling asleep at the wheel, etc. Non-snoozing of the mother does not affect the child’s insomnia. Toddler can sleep almost any time.
Treatment of insomnia in pregnancy with herbal infusions is not the best idea. Some herbs are harmful to the fetus and their effect is extremely strong. Before trying any herbal mixture, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Avoid, among others valerian, mugwort or passionflower.
Picture Credit: Mirlidera