Bread of the desert, berries of life, the pantry of nature. That is what dates in eastern countries are called. And all because people there have long noticed their incredible effect on the body. Dates not only strengthen health, but also contribute to a surge of positive energy, and even prolong life.
Typically, dates are eaten fresh, dried and dried. It is considered that an ordinary person can live on dates for up to 3 months without harm to health, because there are proteins and carbohydrates, and fiber in fruits, which also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. And besides, as part of these fruits, there are up to 23 types of various amino acids, a rich assortment of minerals.
Pregnant and lactating mothers need to eat dates regularly. Because these dried fruits strengthen the muscles of the uterus, facilitate labor pains and the process of recovery after childbirth. And at the same time, naturally, many useful vitamins come into the milk.
Despite the sweetness, dates do not contribute to weight gain. A large amount of glucose and fructose is quickly consumed and is not deposited in the form of fat accumulations.
Relieve constipation.
In the evening, 2-3 dates are filled with water, and in the morning they are eaten on an empty stomach. Due to dietary fiber, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is improved.
Reduce heartburn.
Dates contain glutamic acid, which neutralizes the acidity of the stomach.
Regular use of dates reduces anxiety, normalizes the brain.
Reduced risk of developing cancer and heart disease.
In addition, if you eat dates on an empty stomach, you can even get rid of worms.
And men dates help to maintain potency in normal conditions. It is enough to eat up to 3-5 dates per day.
Are there any dangers? Unfortunately yes. Nutritionists do not recommend to use dates for people with diseases of the intestine and duodenum, with a stomach ulcer, gastritis. As well as those with diabetes, liver problems and caries.
Picture Credit: Mona Mok